I have avoided writing about life during the pandemic because writing about it seems as boring as sitting inside my house in a lockdown to avoid catching the Covid-19 virus. My family and I are making safe choices by wearing masks and social distancing, and so far, we are healthy. In my time alone inside my house, I notice that I sit in my recliner beside the fireplace and look out the window almost daily. Today, we had a little bit of snow! Such a small event, but it inspired me.

Watching Snow

First a few stray flakes fall,
then a flurry, a curtain blowing in a window.
This year, in a warmer winter,
the snow shower is an anomaly.
Watching it fills the grinding quiet
of this room where I sit
avoiding exposure to a pandemic.
The snow shower is a happening that supersedes
the day’s goals. I stop. I gaze out the window.
I watch snow ruffle in the air.
I watch my neighbor’s privet hedge turn from dark green
to white and wonder if these veils will accumulate on the ground.
The snow slackens.
I breathe in the morning chill,
lean back in my chair and smile.

Published in: Uncategorized on January 11, 2021 at 3:27 pm  Leave a Comment